i am a mushroom

i am a mushroom.

as fragile as a flower,

as stubborn as a tree,

but i am a mushroom.

my head burnt from wisps of light

glittering their ways towards me

with sweet whispers of happiness

but i am a mushroom.

with my stubbornness i stay in place

in my solitary cave

shaded in comfort ignoring the wisps

because i am a mushroom.

i am a mushroom not ready for change

i am a mushroom who cannot brave the light

i am a mushroom who prefers the depression of the dark

for the burning of the light is too harsh for my weak stem to withstand

for i am a mushroom.

i will feast on the despair of my own self

rejecting the others with their tales of “photosynthesis”

for that requires braving the sun

and i am but a mushroom.

i am only a mushroom.

maybe that means i will die without accepting the light.

but it is not like i could transform to a flower

and leave my shade

so here i stay.

for i am a mushroom.


the light of a lamp


clean sheets, a friend, and the smell of pine